Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Legalization Of Marijuana Affected Colorado - 1041 Words

How has the legalization of marijuana affected Colorado? The state has seen some pretty significant changes since the legalization of recreational marijuana. There have been major changes in the economy, job market, and traffic related injuries, but not all of these changes have been negative. There is a split in the public opinion about recreational marijuana use and if the state has benefited since its legalization. Some people think that the state is suffering and have been fighting to repeal the law since it was voted into place. Others have devoted all their money and time into the flourishing business and would be devastated if the law was repealed. There have been some pretty apparent pros that have come with the legalization of marijuana. The state has put a hefty tax on the sale of marijuana, which has generated a lot of income. The state has used the profits for all sorts of things that will help to improve the lives of the people living there. â€Å"The first 40 million o f this tax revenue is earmarked for public schools and infrastructure, as well as for youth educational campaigns about substance use.†(Roberts, Jeff). They have used these profits to improve education, infrastructure, and the local governments. So far it has generated hundreds of millions of dollars that have gone to the groups that were listed and many more. â€Å"It’s going so well in Colorado in 2015, that pot shops sold both medical and recreational weed for about $700-million with two months of salesShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1223 Words   |  5 Pagesthat the marijuana industry has had on the economies of the states which have legalized recreational marijuana use for consumers over the age of 21. Many predictions were made referring to the outcome of marijuana legalization, however, most predictions made did not foretell the actual outcome. The act of legalization in the state of Colorado has yielded many advantages in the field of mark eting. With these advantages, however, come many disadvantages. This study will identify how marijuana legalizationRead MoreMarijuana is use in bible Genesis where they gave mankind the power over every land, sea, and1400 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana is use in bible Genesis where they gave mankind the power over every land, sea, and animal not mention every seed bearing plant. Marijuana is a seed bearing plant. Marijuana is used in world religious. Coming from different back ground with stereo type family background has allowed me to see the effects that drugs can have on someone life. 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In the year of 2014 the state of Colorado was the one of the first few states to legalize the use of recreational marijuana. Colorado retailers sold $386 million of medical marijuana and $313 million for purely recreational purposes (Ingraham). WithinRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?930 Words   |  4 PagesShould Marijuana be legalized? The legalization of Marijuana in the United States has been a hot controversial topic in the past few years. Marijuana is classified by the Controlled Substance Act as a schedule 1 drug, meaning there are no medicinal benefits and has a high risk of being abused. Marijuana has been illegal since the 1930s, after newspapers falsely exaggerating violence committed by immigrants intoxicated by marijuana. Along with the newly formed Federal Bureau of Narcotics caused marijuanaRead MoreWhy Marijuana Has Affected The Crime Rate1589 Words   |  7 PagesThe next article was another one from the drug policy website. It briefly went over the crime rate statistics after the legalization of marijuana. It advises the city of Denver saw a decrease in violent crime rates in the first 11 months of 2014, following a similar trend in 2013. Statewide traffic fatalities continue to decline, according to the Colorado Department of Transportation. Upwards of $8 million has been allocated to fund youth education and drug prevention efforts. And the state is enjoyingRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1581 Words   |  7 Pagessince the late 1900’s, the legalization of marijuana has been a popular topic within the past couple of years. This topic is very controversial due to the fact that many people are unable to see past the bad rap that cannabis has accumulated over past years. Among the other aspects that have already given marijuana a bad reputation, some people are trying to find more and more reasons to postpone the legalization of marijuana. Since the legalization of cannabis in Colorado, Washington and Oregon the

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